Covenant Fast Facts

Graduating Class of 2024
Students per Classroom
Student Faculty Ratio

Our Mission

The mission at Covenant Christian High School is provide an excellent, Christ-centered education for a life of scholarship, leadership, and service.

The Covenant Story

Covenant Christian High School started as a dream in the hearts of a few Westside parents. In the fall of 1995, God used a unique mix of individuals, churches, and businesses to launch the first freshman class of 20 students in the basement of Chapel Rock Christian Church. In the spring of 1996, Chapel Rock donated 23 acres of land to the school, and the New Covenant Foundation gifted the $8,000,000 necessary to build the state-of-the-art facility. By the fall 1997, Covenant was fully accredited as a Freeway School by the State of Indiana, and 112 students and 20 staff and faculty began classes in Covenant’s current facility. Today, Covenant serves hundreds of students from six Indiana counties and multiple countries, and it is triple-accredited by the Association of Christian School International, and the State of Indiana. Covenant’s excellent, Christ-centered education offers a full array of college preparatory academics, awe-inspiring fine arts, championship-level athletics, and an ecclectic lineup of student life activities. All of Covenant’s offerings are led by over 60 outstanding professionals who are committed to the transformation of minds through the renewal of minds.


Read a special welcome message from our Principal and CEO Dr. Andy Goodwin.

Who We Are

Take a look at what makes Covenant so special for our students, faculty, families, and alumni.

Christian Worldview

Christian worldview is both the overarching object and medium of instruction.

Offering a 21st Century Christ-centered Education

We believe that a true and living faith is rightly and powerfully expressed through an enthusiastic and cohesive academic experience. Students delight in an examination of math, science, art, and the humanities as a single study of God and his creation. Further, we believe that an emerging worldview within a deepening faith helps to cultivate a love for Christ that serves the world.

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